Welcome to senior Hub

Hello people on earth

Today I have done a Welcome to the senior hub

For the welcome to the senior hub we had to make a copy of a doc and we had to write the doc for the year 3 that are coming into Ruru or Kereru

Here is the doc i did

Anyways bye see you on my next blog

Reading create task 1

Hello bloggers

WALT:Using the supporting texts to add to your knowledge  

This week I have done my reading create task on Canva and the book im reading at the moment is called alligators in crocodiles

For create task 1 we had to find out if our animals ( alligators and crocodiles) was endangered and my animal is endangered

Here are some cool facts about Alligators and crocodiles

1 They Can Weigh More Than 1,000 Pounds

2 If the temperature drops below 86˚F, all eggs will turn out to be female alligators.

3 Crocodilians  lose their teeth and get new ones throughout their lives

4 Mothers come running or swimming when they hear their young call for help

5 Crocodilians grow a lot  Newly hatched young are less than 30cm long but adult are up to 3 to 6 meters long

HERE IS MY READING CREATE TASK there is also a link but its the same things as the video


Reading create task 1 


Reading create task 1 term 4 6/11/24

Hey bloggers

WALT: Learn for main text 

Hey bloggers this week I have done my reading create task 1 and the book I’m reading at the moment is called: Wild cats 

For create task 1 we had to make a video on Canva and then we had to tell you guys why wild cats are endangered

Here is my video  hope you like it


Reading create task 1

Reading create task 1 term 4

Hello bloggers

WALT: Using the supporting text to add to your knowledge 

This week I have done my reading create task 1 and the book I have been reading is called Tigers

For reading create task 1 we had to research why Tigers are endangered


Here is my Canva video Please click on this link



Questions Term 4 31/10/24

hey bloggers

WALT:  Learn for the main text 

The book I have been reading is called Tigers 

This week I have done for reading create task my questions  we had to answer the questions and we had to answer 5

1 Tigers live in forest,hot places like Indonesia and cold places like Russia

2 Tigers stripes are used for Provide Camouflage

3 tigers are carnivores that eat meat their favourite food are large Hoods animals such as Buffalo dear and wild pig

4 tigers Mark the territory by rubbing their face on the trees and leaves smelly scents

5 White tigers are called  Bengal Tiger and they live in forest ,wetland of India ,Bangladesh ,Bhutan , and Nepal

That’s all for my questions I enjoyed doing these questions because I learned a lot of facts about tigers that I never knew

BYE BYE see YOU on my next BLOG

Question 1 term 4 24/10/24

hey bloggers

WALT:  Learn for the main text 

The book I have been reading is called Monkeys

This week I have done for reading create task my questions  we had to answer the questions and we had to answer 4

1. Monkey spend most of their day searching for food

2. Monkeys live in the Jungles,on the mountains , rain forest,grassland and even in city’s and towns

3. Snow monkeys are called Macaques and they live in the mountains of Japan

4. Some monkeys uses tool to find food and they use rocks to dig up potatoes and they also use rocks to crack open the nuts and seeds

I liked doing this reading create task because I learned a lot of facts

Bye bye that’s all for my reading create task 1 see you on my next blog

Reading create task week 1 term 4

Hello bloggers

WALT: Koalas 

This week I have finished my reading create task 1 and I will be writing it in my blog and the book I’m reading right now is called Koalas

For create task 1 we had to answer the questions

  1. Koalas live in forest and wooded and mountains and the coast and the country they live in is Australia
  2. A Marsupial is a mammal that carries its babies in its pouch
  3. Koalas eat a lot of eucalyptus and they only eat from a few kinds of eucalyptus trees
  4. Koalas get their water from the leaves
  5. Baby Koalas are called Joey

I enjoyed doing this create task because I learned I lot of facts about koalas

Bye bye that’s all for my reading create task 1 see you on my next blog

Reading create task 1 week 10

Hey bloggers👋

This week I have done my reading create task 1 and my book is called protecting the waterways

Book choices

The book choices were Unwanted visitors, Estuaries, Daylighting streams, Protecting the waterways, Our gifted garden and Up the pipe (as in the poop pipe) and I pick Protecting the waterways 

What we did

after choosing our book we had to read the book with the teacher and then we had to read with a buddy then we had scaffolding text complementary text and the challenge which gave me a lot of information .For reading create task 1 we had to complete a story map of your choice we had to pick a journal story or a flowchart and I pick the flowchart for the flowchart we had to put 6 facts about the journal.

Here is my work  bye bye  SEE YOU ON MY NEXT BLOG😀



Reading create task 1 week 9!

Hello Bloggers 

WALT:Relate ideas to own experience and wider world

This week I have done my reading create task 1 and the book I have been reading is called unwanted visitors

after choosing our book we had to read the book with the teacher and then we had to read with a buddy then we had scaffolding text complementary text and the challenge which gave me a lot of information .For reading create task 1 we had to complete a story map of your choice we had to pick a journal story or a flowchart and I pick the flowchart for the flowchart we had to put 6 facts about the journal.



HERE IS MY READING CREATE TASK  and see you on my next blog



Reading create task 1 week 7

Hello bloggers

WALT:Relate ideas to own experience and wider world 

This week I have done my reading create task 1 the book I have been reading  is called Sports day

after choosing our book we had to read the book with the teacher and then we had to read with a buddy then we had scaffolding text complementary text and the challenge which gave me a lot of information .For reading create task 1 we had to complete a story map of your choice we had to pick a journal story or a flowchart and I pick the flowchart for the flowchart we had to put 6 facts about the journal.

It was easy to do and a little bit hard